Innovative methodologies to develop projects

Innovative methodologies to develop projects

Herramientas innovadoras formulación de proyectos

There are many innovative methodologies to develop projects. The world is constantly changing. The current changes of the pandemic have forced companies, organizations, institutions or public entities to be more competitive. Projects play a very important role where they must adapt to current trends and new tools. For this reason, today we bring you innovative methodologies to develop projects.

1. Business model canvas

The Canvas Model was developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in the book Generation of Business Models in 2011. 9 blocks make up this tool that allows visualizing the key points of a business and/or project. Likewise, the Canvas model means that projects are managed as business units. This gives a broader perspective of how to develop it.

Today’s innovative context generates the need to have dynamic, simple models that respond quickly to changes in the environment, generating impact.

2. Lean StartUp Methodology

The Lean StartUp methodology is a concept coined by Eric Ries. This concept comes from Japan from Toyota’s Lean Manufacturing theories for the elimination of “waste” in production processes.

This method prioritizes experimentation over early planning, stakeholder feedback, and iterative or repetitive design for continuous learning. Under this scheme you can reduce large investments in planning and not work. In short, it is a methodology that allows us to carry out trials and errors without high costs.

3. Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a methodology that seeks to solve the problems of a group of people, either through the conception of a product, the elaboration of a process, the formulation of a project, etc. The advantage of this methodology is that it can be used in all sectors and is applicable to any area.

When you are wanting to formulate a project, the question you could pose would be: What problem does that person or group of people who are involved in the project need to solve? and from here use tools to:

  • OBSERVE to identify the needs of the people involved in the project.
  • IDEAR to generate innovative solutions that meet the needs of these people.
  • IMPLEMENT from testing and validating the implementation of the best solutions

The Design Thinking process consists of five stages. It is important to understand that it is not a linear process and that at any moment you can go forward or backward, even jumping to non-consecutive stages. This is one of the best innovative methodologies to develop projects.

Do you have any innovative methodologies to develop projects that you can recommend?

Through Santana Galeth Asociados you find a strategic partner for the formulation, development and implementation of this type of projects. If you want to know more, let’s schedule an appointment and talk.


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